Saturday, November 12, 2011

Example of student progress

Steven Gallows: Report on Vendors Progress 9/13/11

My progress for the Gettysburg Get-Together is going very well! My team was put in charge of communications with the vendors for the event and they voted for me to be Team Captain last week, which means that I get to write the blog for our team every week (yaaay!). We have managed to talk to a couple of food vendors already that would be willing to come out and sell their food there. Plus, the Civil War guys that will set up their tents with the weapons and armor are really interested in showing off their stuff too. They want to do a live cannon fire! I'll have to ask the principal for permission to do that, but I think it will be really cool! I'll report back in next week when we have more progress!


  1. Steven,

    Great job about the food vendors! I'm not sure if we'll be able to do the live cannon fire or not, so definitely talk to Principal willis about it. Good idea though, keep it up!

  2. Mr. Panzano,
    I was setting up camp and those damn Yankees stole all our moonshine! Um, I mean root beer. We are fixing our bayonets right now. Going to try a midnight raid while they are busy congratulating themselves on their elitist views about human rights. Viva la confederacion!

  3. Brad,

    Glad to see that you have the troops motivated and ready! Good luck on that midnight raid, just remember to reflect on it in the blog after you're finished!
